Possible Effects on the Body:
There are a number of diet pills on the market that claim to help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, thus allowing your body to burn calories faster. The problem with many of these pills, even the ones claiming to be “herbal” or “all-natural,” is that they contain stimulants that leave you feeling jittery. Combining the right NATURAL food supplements will prevent the jitters and terrible mood swings – and that is what we have with Burn More™ and More Energy™.
Get the combo of an advanced weight loss supplement PLUS the superfood that supplies you with abundant energy! Whether you’re a professional bodybuilder or a stay-at-home mum, chances are you could use a little extra help when it comes to achieving your weight loss goals. And while diet and exercise are both very effective at helping you to lose weight, you shouldn’t stop there because you do have one other potential weapon to add to your fat-busting arsenal: Burn More™ – an advanced thermogenic fat burner.
– Combining Burn More™ & More Energy™
– Will Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
– 100% Advanced Thermogenic Natural Formula
Product Overview
* Easy to use encapsulated product, use 1-3 servings daily
* Designed for both men and women
* Contains no banned stimulants
* Contains caffeine for increased energy capacity
100 caplets = 50-day supply
60 capsules = 15-day supply
Product Information/Ingredients”
Burn More™ is a product designed to be used in conjunction with a weight-loss nutritional plan, targeted toward the burning of body fat.
Burn More™ contains:
10 powerful, thermogenic fat-burning ingredients designed to help you lose a maximum amount of weight while ensuring that you still have the energy that you need to get through your day. Thermogenics cause the body to burn more of the calories consumed in food, particularly those foods that are high in fat.
Our advanced thermogenic and lipotropic formula contains well-researched highly efficient fat-burning natural ingredients. This is because they help to speed up digestion and improve gastric function, allowing you to metabolize the food that you eat more quickly. These include:
Guarana – Guarana is a natural caffeine source that can help keep you mentally alert, feel less fatigue, and increase your endurance and stamina. The guarana seed has approximately double the caffeine of your regular coffee bean. This means that not only will you have the energy to get through your day and your workout, but you will be able to work out longer/harder to help you burn those pounds and inches away. Some studies also suggest that guarana helps to burn fat and suppress appetite, making Burn More™ a great addition to your diet plan for added success.
L-Carnitine – L-Carnitine is an amino acid that helps your body convert fat into muscle. It causes your body to burn triglycerides for energy. It can also help increase your stamina and endurance. This means that when you take Burn More™, you have more energy for your workout, while at the same experience a more effective workout since more fat is burned through exercise.
Korean Ginseng – Ginseng has numerous positive effects on the body. It can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol, which are problems that many overweight people have to deal with. It is also thought to help boost memory and thinking, so not only will you feel better physically, but you can enjoy mental benefits from taking Burn More™ as well.
Cocoa Extract – Cocoa Extract contains theobromine, a diuretic. This can help you to shed any excess water weight and bloating while you are taking Burn More™. This is also the “feel good” chemical found in chocolate that is thought to improve mood and increase energy – without the need to indulge in sugary sweets.
L-Taurine – L-Taurine is another amino acid found in Burn More™ pills. This ingredient is a strong anti-oxidant. It also is thought to help lower your risk of heart disease by decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as the risk factors for blood clots. Not only are you losing weight with this diet pill, but you are making your heart healthier.
Sarsaparilla (root) – Sarsaparilla is a tropical plant that has been used for centuries as a diet aid. It is thought to help purify the blood and cleanse the liver, which is important when you are participating in a diet program. It is also thought to be useful as a steroid alternative for bodybuilders. This ingredient allows you to get the most from your workout while continuing to protect your body.
Capsicum Frutescens – Red pepper or Cayenne pepper is the dried fruit of Capsicum frutescens containing the extract from capsaicin. Capsaicin is reputed to be a natural fat burner and pain-killer used to treat ulcers, increase metabolism, improve circulation, boost the immune system and aid digestion. It is used as a tonic for the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen and stomach and to treat herpes, shingles and rheumatism. It is also known to combat chills and has been used to treat bunions, psoriasis, pleuritis and pericarditis and has been indicated for preventing heart disease.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – This ingredient in Burn More™ also has numerous health benefits when it comes to helping you melt the pounds away. CLA can help speed up your metabolism, decrease that troubling belly fat, speed up your muscle growth to make workouts more effective, lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels for a healthier heart, decrease insulin resistance to help prevent diabetes and control your weight, and boost your immune system for better health benefits.
Gotu Kola (aerial part) – Like cocoa extract, Gotu kola includes theobromine. This makes it a great diuretic. It also has the “mood-boosting” powers that chocolate does, allowing you to beat fatigue and depression and stick to your workout.
Gymnema Sylvestris – This ingredient in Burn More™ has one powerful little side effect – it reduces your ability to taste sweet things. It is not much fun to eat cakes and cookies if they don’t have the same sweet taste! This makes this diet pill effective at preventing you from straying from your diet plan.
What do all these powerful Burn More™ ingredients mean for you?
So what exactly does this mean for you? It means that Burn More™ can allow you to burn fat and stick to your diet without dealing with dangerous herbs like ephedra. This diet pill makes it easier to stick to your diet and see fast weight loss results than just diet and exercise alone. See faster and better results while taking Burn More™!
Who Benefits From Burn More™?
Burn More™ is ideal for:
+ Men and women following a weight management nutritional plan.
+ Serious athletes preparing for a body building or cover model competition
+ Casual gym-goers seeking an improvement in muscle definition
+ Athletes seeking extra energy output during workouts
+ To burn stored fat, particularly hips and thighs
Who is Burn More™ designed for?
Burn More™ is designed for any adult who is looking to lose weight and feel energized. Keep in mind that Burn More™ is designed for use with a weight loss program to allow you to see the maximum benefits. You should always consult with a doctor to find out what health program will be best for you.
Patients who are sensitive to caffeine should use caution when taking Burn More™. If you notice insomnia or other sleep problems while taking Burn More™, decrease the amount taken and avoid taking within 6 hours of bedtime.
If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Burn More™, then you should not take this diet pill.
Directions for use:
Use NeatResearch Nutrition’s Burn More™ for up to 2 servings daily (1 serving equals 2 capsules).
When beginning the product, start with 1 serving daily, ideally used mid-morning or 30 minutes prior to exercise.
When using 2 servings daily, use 1 serving upon waking and 1 serving 30 minutes prior to exercise.
Do not use after 5 pm
100 caplets = 50-day supply
60 capsules = 15-day supply
These are not suitable for but are not limited to, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with cardiac problems, insomnia, high blood pressure, kidney or liver disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, any form of gastric problem, prostate problems including difficulty in urinating, turrets, sufferers of depression or bipolar disorder, anorexia or those of a nervous disposition. If in doubt seek the advice of your healthcare practitioner before commencing use of this product.
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